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校友津贴 Program

任何参加过CCC课程的人都可以享受校友津贴计划. 该项目为亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫当地公司的校友提供折扣和津贴. 通过今天访问CCC校友津贴计划页面,了解参加该计划的人! More perks will be added to the program soon! 


Learn about Career Services!

Career Services Group Photo看看 Career Services for jobs, career information and advice.

在求职服务页面上可以找到帮助撰写和格式化简历的资源, 求职信, and to help you find jobs. 如果你需要更多的实际操作帮助,也可以在这里找到研讨会、活动和招聘会的列表.

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Kiara Weathersersby: From rebel to Gold Axe Winner

Kiara Weathersersby PhotographAt one time in her life, 基亚拉·韦瑟斯比是一个叛逆的人,她因为不相信自己而从高中辍学.  
That has changed.

Weathersby, a Coconino 社区 College graduate, 5月8日毕业于北亚利桑那大学,获商业管理和心理学学士学位.

威瑟斯比在弗拉格斯塔夫出生和长大,经历了漫长的道路才获得了这一天. 这段旅程始于2008年,当时她受雇在威尼斯安卓版(Coconino 社区 College)工作. 她的导师伊娃·琼斯(Eva Jones)鼓励她获得普通同等学历,于是她如愿以偿. After that, she started taking classes at CCC.

    “I was terrified,” Weathersby said. “I didn’t believe in myself at all.”

韦瑟斯比是2008年CCC2NAU试点项目的一部分. CCC2NAU是与北亚利桑那大学的合作伙伴关系,允许学生从CCC无缝过渡到NAU.  At her time with CCC, 韦瑟斯比说,教职员工都非常支持她,希望看到她成功.
她于2010年毕业,获得文科副学士学位. 在她从CCC毕业后,她于2010年秋天开始在NAU工作.

    “I started out with psychology,” Weathersby said.

她想把重点放在法学预科上,并打算创办自己的律师事务所. 一个表亲告诉她,如果她想经营自己的律师事务所, she should have a background in business, especially contract law. She began taking business courses, too.

During the course of her college and university careers, Weathersby has accumulated a number of feathers for her cap. Among them are: 总统’s Medallion Recipient at CCC; Student Worker of the Year at CCC; Student Employee of the Year for the State of Arizona; and Gold Axe Award Recipient at NAU. Her accomplishments include: Student Representative for the CCC Council; Vice 总统 of Scholarship for Phi Theta Kappa; Vice 总统 for Chapter Operations for Delta Sigma Pi; executive assistant for the Native American Business Organization. In addition she has participated in the Executive Job Shadow program with the Thunderbirds who host the WM Phoenix Open; and through a competitive selection process she met Warren Buffett on her visit to Omaha, 内布拉斯加州,她学会了如何通过交流来增加自己的价值. 此外,威瑟斯比在2015年美国单板滑雪比赛中获得铜牌 & Freeski协会全国锦标赛在大师女子激流回旋作为大峡谷系列的一部分.

作为研究的一部分,韦瑟斯比还去了中国和印度. 在印度, she along with 27 other students and faculty, 参观了作为大陆一部分的西藏难民营, Interdisciplinary Global Learning Project. 4月, she participated in the Global Learning Symposium, where she gave a presentation on her study-abroad research.

Her father, Carl, couldn’t attend her graduation. He passed away in 2012.

    韦瑟斯比说:“他最重要的事情总是‘完成学业’。. “I know he would be proud of me.”

Her mother, Geneice, is also proud. 韦瑟斯比说,她的母亲也决定重返校园,并于去年5月获得了公共管理学位. 她说她喜欢和妈妈一起去国立大学的克莱恩图书馆. 他们可以一起学习,韦瑟比可以教她妈妈入门.

    “It was pretty awesome,” Weathersby said.

She worked the entire time she was in school, 她还获得了各种奖学金,以减轻毕业后学生债务的负担.

A job lurks somewhere on the horizon.

    “I keep hearing all I need is one,” she said, laughing. 她将她在CCC和NAU的支持网络归功于她的社交机会.

The ultimate goal is to be a social justice attorney, 但她近期的目标是人力资源职位,因为她喜欢人,也喜欢为人发声.

    “I’ve been looking everywhere,” Weathersby said. “我对搬家持开放态度,因为我知道我总能回家. But it’s time to spread my wings, as scary as that is.”

When she started her journey, she was terrified. That is no longer the case.

    “I’ve learned to believe in myself,” she said. She added, “不可能 I’d be here without CCC. 不可能.”

想了解更多关于威尼斯安卓版的故事, 学生们, faculty and programs, the college’s community newsletter, CCC之星, will be making its way to your mailboxes soon.


Calling new 校友 Club Members!


Would you like to help with the alumni effort at CCC? If so, we would love to have your help. 校友俱乐部是一个由感兴趣的校友和CCC工作人员组成的小组,他们每月聚会一次,计划有益于CCC前学生和学院的活动. 小组每月在最后一个星期五早上8:30在孤树校区聚会一次.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Have questions about events? Please contact the Coconino 基金会 at 928-226-4335 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 保持联系. Sign up for the CCC校友 & 朋友 monthly e-newsletter (  注册表单 ).​​


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